Frequently Asked Questions

When are appointments scheduled?

We typically schedule appointments between 9:00 and 6:00 Monday through Friday. Weekend appointments may be possible, subject to availability. When scheduling, we ask for your assistance in choosing a time when you think your child will be most alert.

How long will our visit last?
Most visits last 1 hour. The exact length of your visit will depend on the study.

Can I stay with my child the whole time?
In the Baby Lab, you will be with your infant the whole time. As your child gets older and qualifies for other labs in the CDL, this might change according to your child’s age and comfort level.

Can I bring my other children with me?

Absolutely! We work with a wide age range of children, so it is possible that your other children will also be able to participate in a study while they are here. If not, they can play in our waiting room while their sibling completes the study. One of our research assistants can stay with them if you prefer to accompany your other child into the study room.

Will I find out the results of the study?
At the end of your visit, the researcher can explain to you the purpose and hypotheses of the study. We also send newsletters to parents a few times a year with information about the results of studies that have been completed. Because our research looks at group-level data, we will not be able to provide you with information about your individual child’s performance.

Where is the Babylab located?
We are located in Gilmer Hall on the University of Virginia Campus. Please keep in mind that there are gates blocking McCormick Rd during business hours. Parking is available in front of the building. Someone will be waiting for you outside with a parking permit. For further directions, click here.

I registered my child several months ago, but have not yet been called to participate. Why?
The CDL recruits from ages 0 to 12 years so that we have a pool of interested families from which to draw. However, most of our studies involve particular age ranges – for example, 10 – 12 months. Your child may not fit into one of the age ranges that we are using at the moment. If you ever would like information about what ages are currently being used, feel free to call or email.

Will my child’s data be kept confidential?
Your child’s data will be kept completely confidential. Your child’s name will never be used in any report of this research. We videotape our studies to allow us to keep track of your child’s answers, and also to write down any comments made during the study. This videotape is kept completely confidential; your child’s name will never be associated with it. Furthermore, unless we have your explicit permission, this videotape will be viewed only by the researchers conducting the study.

Who makes sure that the studies are ethically appropriate?
All studies taking place in the Baby Lab have been through a rigorous review process by UVa’s Institutional Review Board, which consists of a panel of University and community members. This panel carefully evaluates proposed studies involving human participants before they begin (and at least once per year after initial approval) to ensure that the research is ethical, and handles any comments or complaints about the research.

I have a concern about my child’s development. Can you help?
The Baby Lab conducts basic research in child development, and we do not offer individual evaluations. If you have a particular concern about your child’s development, please contact your pediatrician.

Where can I find general information about child development?
Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
U.S. Department of Education, site for parents
These links are provided for informational purposes only, and are not affiliated with the laboratory or UVa.