UVA Babylab

Current Ongoing Studies

Social Interaction Processing

We are conducting a three-part research study using electroencephalography (EEG) in adults, children (3-6 years), and infants (4-12 months) to examine whether a brain system, localized in the superior temporal cortex, specializes in social interaction processing and assumes its functions during infancy. 
This research is funded by the NSF. 

Face Processing

We are conducting a research study using functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in infants (2-12 months) to examine when and how a frontal brain region, the medial prefrontal cortex, assumes its function during infancy and relates to infants’ social behavioral development. 

See our UVA Today article relevant to this study here: https://news.virginia.edu/content/mind-reading-do-brain-scans-foretell-your-babys-social-skills

Preschool Functional Connectivity

About this study: The purpose of this study is to determine how children’s brain activity is related to social and environmental factors that they encounter. This study is for children ages 4 to 6 years and should take about 45 minutes of your time. The study will be in person at Gilmer Hall in our new Babylab space at the University of Virginia.

What your child will do in the study: Your child will be asked to watch a short video while wearing a special cap that uses light to detect brain activity. This technique is called functional near-infrared spectroscopy, or fNIRS, and it is a safe, non-invasive, and infant-friendly way to measure brain activity in the outer regions of the brain. The session will be videotaped so we can remember what happened during the study. Your infant’s participation is completely voluntary, and we can stop at any time.

What you will do in the study: You will be asked to answer some questions about your child’s everyday behaviors, and your childhood environment. Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can skip any questions that you prefer not to answer.